Monthly Paddle Program

Region X Events in Batemans Bay & Surrounding Areas

Sea Kayak Rescue Drills

Level up your Sea Kayaking Skills and learn capsize drills this Sunday! Meet us at the safe and sheltered Mossy Point Rivermouth at 8am for a coffee at The Boatshed, before heading out to learn hands on skills to enrich your personal kayaking experience. $99 per person Sea Kayaks and equipment included Qualified, approachable Guides By the end of this 2 hour lesson, you will know: Techniques to avoid a capsize Self Rescue - getting back in your kayak after a capsize Buddy, or T-Rescue - helping another person get back in their kayak after a capsize And More Book here, or give us a call 1300 001 060    


Tollgate Islands

Tollgate Islands are Go. ⁠ ⁠ We are kayaking to the Tollgates, Batemans Bay on Saturday the 11th and 25th of March. We want you to come!⁠ ⁠ Kayak around these magnificent islands, and into nooks and crannies searching for wildlife. Marvel at the sheer basalt cliffs and 'Dragon's Lair' and learn about the island's many breeding seabirds that have made this landmark a 'Must See' for naturalists around the world.⁠ ⁠ Enjoy morning tea between the 'Gates' and slip in for a snorkel! You may even see the Grey Nurse that aggregate here at this time of year. ⁠ ⁠ This tour requires some degree of fitness and sea kayaking experience. The paddle is at least 4km each way, and due to the islands being protected, there will be no landing for the duration of this tour. ⁠ ⁠ Tour runs from 6:30am to 11:30am approximately. ⁠ ⁠ An truly unmissable experience.⁠ Book here:


Monday 13th March Young at Heart Oyster Paddle

Come along and try the amazing oysters of the beautiful Clyde River (culturally known as the Bhundoo).  You will get to taste and experience amazing oysters, see where and how they are grown.  The two hour experience is open to all that are "Young at Heart", This is not a challenging paddle at all


Congo Creek Congo

Congo Creek Congo Road, Congo, New South Wales, Australia

Come and explore the beautiful Congo Creek for the morning. This is the definition of exploration, discovering each twist and turn of the creek and choosing a spot for morning tea before paddling back to the start location. Bring along a snack to share at morning tea and we'll provide the hot tea!

Monday 20th Young at Heart Yarragee to Moruya Paddle

Explore the majestic waterways of the Moruya River using the out going tide to gentle paddle from Yarragee to Moruya with us.  This trip doesn't get done often and is achievable by all Young at Heart.

Tollgate island sea kayak

This amazing sea kayak paddle is recommended for adventurous people with a love of the outdoors, some paddle experience also helps! But we have taken complete first timers out on the ocean to the Tollgates. Approx 1 hour of paddling time gets us to the islands where we enjoy a quick floating rest prior to a circumnavigation of the North and South Island. The beauty of the islands really is the hidden coves, beaches, rock features, overhangs and sheer rugged formations. Managed by National Parks and Wildlife the islands have a no landing policy and enjoy significant use by nesting shorebird and migratory sea birds. The relative little disturbance makes this island perfect to raise successful nests by the various birds the frequent the group. The sea surrounding the islands is also Sanctuary, meaning no take is allowed. Following our trip around the islands we paddle back to the mainland coast where we enjoy a stretch and share some morning tea! We like an early start, so 630am for this one to beat the wind and we plan on being finished our morning out by 1130am.


Monday 27th March Half Day Kayak

Enjoy a Half Day Kayak, taking in the beautiful waterways of the Eurobodalla.. The destination of this tour will be confirmed closer to the date so that we work with the weather and not against it.

Capsize and rescue session – Mossy Point

Mossy Point

Yes - we believe you need to know this! If you are into kayaking then you will love this informative session all about safety! Turn up on the banks of the Tomaga river in Mossy point with your gear (or we can supply) and expect to paddle up the river before we start to cover topics such as: Decision making - when to go, when not to go Equipment you should carry every time you paddle What to do if I do capsize, what are my options How to rescue a buddy in the water How to self rescue We then do a few demos of the above techniques and